Catholic Chaplaincy to the Liverpool Universities

Our student society is open to all students of the University of Liverpool, Liverpool John Moores University, and LIPA.
We are involved in the life of the Chaplaincy, which provides weekly Masses and prayer opportunities geared to young people, there are also opportunities for exploring and deepening one’s faith, student-led prayer groups, visiting speakers, as well as an annual retreat and the chance to go to national events such as Flame and various Christian festivals throughout the year.
There are regular social events (BBQs, pancake nights, trips to the pub, film nights, etc.) and whatever you, our members, would like to do!
For all events and activities join our Facebook group and - don’t forget to follow us on Instagram @liverpoolcathsoc!

How do you join? Simply come to Sunday evening Mass at 6pm at St Philip Neri University Church, or just turn up at any Chaplaincy/CathSoc event! However, to be recognised by student unions as a society we need registered members too. So if you can, please join Guild of Students for UoL here and Student Union for LJMU here.
If you have any questions please feel free to talk to a member of the committee or contact us on

Students of Liverpool University, John Moores and LIPA are eligible to stand for election to the committee. Elections take place each year before Easter.

Memorandum of Understanding between the Catholic Chaplaincy to the Liverpool Universities and the Liverpool joint universities’ Catholic Society.
Chaplain & Chaplaincy
The Chaplaincy is led and managed by the Chaplain, Fr Neil Ritchie, assisted by the Chaplaincy Assistant and Sr Rachel FCJ. Fr Neil is appointed by the Archbishop of Liverpool, and is accredited as a chaplain and member of the universities’ chaplaincy team by the University of Liverpool and Liverpool John Moores University. The Catholic Chaplaincy is a mission to the whole of the universities’ communities, including staff.
CathSoc Management & Organisation
CathSoc is a student-led society, registered with the University of Liverpool Guild of Students (the Guild) and the Students’ Union at Liverpool John Moores University (SU), open to students of the universities and LIPA.
Relationship between CathSoc & Chaplaincy
CathSoc and the Catholic Chaplaincy are closely linked, and cooperate in the provision of pastoral care, catechetical and intellectual formation, arranging visiting speakers, liturgical provision, planning opportunities for prayer and worship, developing links with other faith groups, and other activities. CathSoc members also assist the chaplaincy team in planning, preparing and delivering social and other events which take place at the chaplaincy, such as the start-of-year and end-of-year barbecues. It is the role of the CathSoc committee to encourage and facilitate CathSoc members in this, by encouraging participation and setting an example of willing involvement.
The Chaplain and his team value the existence of a student led Catholic Society, which is available for students in Higher Education in Liverpool to join, and are willing to offer what support and guidance is appropriate to CathSoc, as long as CathSoc operates in a way which is in accordance with the vision of the Catholic chaplaincy. The Chaplain, while not a member of CathSoc, is chaplain to the society. Joint meetings of the committee and the chaplaincy team take place at least once each term.
The presidents and committee members of CathSoc are elected by eligible student members. It is for the elected presidents and committee members of CathSoc to ensure that their society is correctly registered with the Guild and SU, and complies fully with Guild/SU requirements and policies, and is run and managed in a responsible manner. Before any events held at the chaplaincy and organised by CathSoc they must confirm with the chaplain that Guild/SU requirements for society events (e.g. regulations about provision of food, visiting speakers etc.) have been fully met and the event approved, if necessary, by the Guild and JMSU.
Fresher’s Weeks
Fresher’s Weeks are key events in the universities’ calendar. CathSoc ensures that stalls are booked. Both CathSoc members and the chaplaincy team help to plan, prepare, set up, deliver and dismantle the stalls. The stalls promote both CathSoc, and the Universities’ Chaplaincy. CathSoc members ensure the stalls are staffed throughout. The chaplain and his assistant are present as well throughout.